VDO of DJ FX@ Across The Fader Semi Finals DJ Battle Los Angeles LA
After we got the knowledge about Troy Lighting ago VDO, we'll cross-check the DJ FX@ Across The Fader Semi Finals DJ Battle Los Angeles LA. I urge everybody to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I even have come across DJ FX@ Across The Fader Semi Finals DJ Battle Los Angeles LA. I saw that it had been vital for them to be revealed. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not need to publish VDO. i'm happy to be here. Thanks for a great VDO. DJ FX@ Across The Fader Semi Finals DJ Battle Los Angeles LA Video Clips. Duration : 7.28 Mins.DJ FX@ Across The Fader Semi Finals DJ Battle Los Angeles LA Astro AVL 6615 San Fernando Road Glendale, CA 91201 818 549 9915 Executive Producer: Craig Merrick Producer & Director: Jonathan Eaton Battle Coordination: Sako (DJ Toxic) Yesayan Host: Troy Rawlings Artist/ Animation: Clark Walter Pre/Post Production/ Audio Engineer: Nick Lalaian Cameras &Technical Execution: John "Eddy" Lucas Camera: Trevor Hoffman Lighting: Jorge "August Moon" Rodezno Broadcast: Nick Lalaian IT: Support: Haig Yoosefian and Sintel Systems, inc. Technical Support: Saul Caceros
We'll get this from me. I am pleased to present the information.
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